1st Place

InternBytes: diversity internship platform (https://www.internbytes.com) InternBytes is a dedicated platform for minorities searching for internships, mentorship, and professional guidance. Hispanic students have the lowest participation rates in internships in the country, creating a disadvantage as completing internships increases the odds of employment by 50%. Observing this issue, InternBytes creates a supportive community of minority professionals, mentors, resources, and various opportunities. The platform has recently launched and has a growing community of users bringing insight and valuable advice to those searching for professional growth and development opportunities.

2nd Place

Sentinel Delivery: drone delivery technology (https://sentineldelivery.com) Sentinel Delivery is developing software and hardware to launch an autonomous, drone-based delivery system for a variety of business categories. The team has recently registered to participate in the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation and shows great promise. The team would like to install manufacturing locally as well, and is planning to create learning opportunities for drone maintenance and repair to develop local industry.
3rd Place

Innovare: EdTech software (https://innovaresip.com/) Innovare empowers leaders of organizations in the education ecosystem with the technology, support, and community of peers they need to achieve a positive and sustainable impact on education. Gaining fast recognition and securing with companies like Google, the Kauffman Foundation, and various charter school associations. Innovare is growing quickly, and has become the most recent addition to the STTE community.
El Paso Pitch Startups
FatBat: sports product (https://fatbatgrips.com/) FatBat has developed a wide grip for baseball bats that increases strength in hands, wrists, and forearms while the player swings. Bobby Lopez, the founder of the startup, initially saw a need for this product as a parent of 2 young children dedicated to learning the sport. He noted a similar trend around players during team practices and developed a solution to strengthen players and accelerate results.
OTEN Medical: medical product (https://otenmedical.com/) The OTEN Medical team has over 44 years of healthcare experience in the ICU, dialysis, telehealth, and wound care settings. Ernesto Holguin and his founding team focus on developing products and technology to help improve the way nurses deliver patient care. OTEN Medical is intent on manufacturing and assembling our products locally. They will pitch a CPAP hose holder to create a safer and more comfortable experience for users.
Klevy Tea: beverage brand (https://www.klevytea.com/) Klevy Tea founder Marco Vallejo has created a functional beverage line, providing a zero sugar, nutrient and antioxidant rich alternative to the existing beverage market. With the help of chemists, family, and a vertically integrated company strategy, Klevy Tea is gaining attention with their high local presence and health conscious practices.
PM Technologies: advanced manufacturing (https://www.pmtechs.com/) After identifying an industry gap in the manufacture of customized, scalable goods, founder Phillip Morton developed an agile manufacturing platform with a modular system architecture incorporating robotics, artificial intelligence, 3D printing, and internally developed software. The company is incrementally incorporating additional technology to automate manufacturing to increase capacity and expand capability. Phillip is also the Product Development Lab Manager at the MCA Foundation. He has researched the development of new manufacturing systems at the Keck Center for 3D Innovation at UTEP, giving him a unique and well-informed view of the industry.
MusicStar.Ai: artificial intelligence entertainment (https://musicstar.ai/) MusicStar provides a new tool for those developing new lyrics. With the assistance of AI, MusicStar considers previous work and the sound of your preferred artist to bring creations to life, improve the songwriting process, and facilitate the creative process.
CryptoLotería: NFT (Non Fungible Token) game (https://linktr.ee/